Applying the correct nominal code to your purchases and expenses is a crucial aspect of accounting. cc:Monet simplifies the process of setting up your Chart of Accounts, whether you are using a cloud-based or desktop accounting solution.

In cc:Monet, we refer to each section of your Chart of Accounts as 'Categories'. You can configure them differently depending on whether you are using the application with integrated accounting software.

Learn how to set up your Category Lists:

With integration

When you integrate a cc:Monet account with cloud accounting software, we will automatically import your Chart of Accounts.


Any changes you make to your Chart of Accounts within your accounting software will also be reflected in cc:Monet. We update your Chart of Accounts each time you login to cc:Monet, but you can manually refresh these lists by pressing the green Reload button.


If you don't want a specific category to be assignable to transactions, you can hide particular Categories by toggling the switch in the AI match column to OFF.

Without integration

Batch Import your Chart of Accounts

Go to integration, download the category sample file from cc:Monet for batch import.

Collect Chart of Accounts from your acountting software.

Input your Chart of Accounts via excel.

Upload the excel file.
